Ahmed Muhiddin Piri. The latest tweets from @ausi_Oz.

Al Bab The Life And Times Of Piri Re Is ahmed muhiddin piri
Al Bab The Life And Times Of Piri Re Is from Al-BAB: The Life and Times of Piri Re'is

Ahmed Muhiddin Piri more famous as Piri Reis was a senior naval officer of the Ottoman Empire He was also a geographer and cartographer The present world knows him mainly for his charts and maps that find place in his masterpiece ‘Kitabı Bahriye’ (Book of Navigation) It comprise of comprehensive data on navigation as also precise charts of those times elucidating major cities and.

Piri Reis Kanuni Sultan Suleyman

For many years little was known about the identity of Piri Reis The name Piri Reis means Captain Piri (Reis is not part of his proper name) Today based on the Ottoman archives it is known that his full name was “Hacı Ahmed Muhiddin Piri” and that he was born either in Gelibolu (Gallipoli) on the European part of the Ottoman Empire (in presentday Turkish Thrace) or in Karaman (his Nationality OttomanKnown for Drawing the Born Ahmet Muhiddin Piri c 1465 Relatives (uncle).

Piri Reis Biography Facts, Childhood, Family, Campaigns of

Discovery of The MapThe Map’S OriginsThe Hapgood EffectLost Civilizations?Anomalies in The Piri Reis MapThe Real Antarctica?A Possible Solution?The Mystery ContinuesIn 1929 Director Halil Edhem went through the basement of a Turkish palace looking for old maps at the request of German theologian Gustav Adolf Deissmann Edhem happened upon a very mysterious artifact It was a small map inked onto animal skin although only a fragment of it remained At first it looked like any other aged map But upon closer inspection something caught the attention of Deissmann It was ultimately identified as the Piri Reis map which incorporated the only known copy of Christopher Columbus’ map Not only did the Piri Reis map of 1513 include excessive annotations and accurate depictions of the Azores Canary Islands Atlantic Islands and Japan but historians were amazed to find it included a depiction of Antarctica However Antarctica wasn’t discovered until 1773 so how could it possibly be on a map dated 260 years earlier? The mystery deepened further Not only did the Piri Reis map show the coastline of Antarctica but it displayed the proportions of In 1513 OttomanTurkish cartographer and geographer Ahmed Muhiddin Piri otherwise known as Piri Reis set out to document the known world in map form Reis was also an admiral in the Turkish navy and a seasoned traveler of the high seas He knew a thing or two about coastlines and continents Related Vinland Map Real or Fake? Reis drew up the map on gazelle skin from twenty different sources making sure to cite every map and chart as he went along These included eight Ptolemaic (2nd Century Hellenistic and Greek societies) maps four Portuguese maps one Arabic map and one map by Christopher Columbus Some sources used by Piri date back as far as 400 BC Reis acknowledged he hadn’t himself visited many of the lands which he documented However his creation was still academically valued Reis even owned a handdrawn map by Christopher Columbus It was left to him in the will of his uncle who personally sailed with Columbus twenty years before This map was one of Columbus’s ‘ But despite this the map remained a relatively obscure artifact It wasn’t until it remerged in 1929 did it begin to conjure up interest Even then it was still brushed over for a number of years However in 1965 Professor Charles Hapgood from the University of New Hampshire scrutinized the map with several of his students They too noticed the maps’ depiction of the Antarctica coastline But they also picked up on yet another strange anomaly The Piri Reis map had been created using the Mercator Projection a method of creating maps that allowed for a more accurate curvature when moving maps from paper to globe But European cartographers didn’t utilize this technique until 1569 Once again the map seemed to have defied the laws of time What startled Hapgood the most is the Antarctica coastline portrayed without ice Of all the maps Reis cited none showed such a thing It would require a map thousands of years old as a source – and no such map is known to exist This revelation prompted Hapgood to arrive at the only conclusion possible that ancient mariners had mapped out the Antarctic coast long before the lands had frozen over some 6000 years ago He stated the topographical portrayal of the coastline appeared to be so accurate that whatever advanced society created the map must have possessed some kind of aerial mapping capabilities He believed that Piri Reis must have used one of these ancient maps to create his own but failed to cite it But this bold conclusion implied that everything we knew about civilizations was wrong Based on what we know ancient civilizations didn’t possess the tools or capabilities to map out continents on such a grand scale So how could it have been achieved? Speculation amongst scholars and historians began to take place Paranormal researchers pointed to some extraterrestrial assistance Others hypothesized the possible involvement of a civilization based around the Lost City of Atlantis But soon skeptics began to dissect the Piri Reis map – along with Hapgood’s findings They came up with a few new conclusions First there were quite a few notable differences in the sizes of various coastlines on Reis’s map to modern maps Some areas were missing altogether However Hapgood attributed this to copying errors made by Reis To combat this problem Hapgood took it upon himself to insert some of the ‘missing’ sections based on the source maps Reis had used But then a few problems arose After filling in some of the empty areas and altering landmasses account for errors Hapgood found that the map now had five separate equators But despite this the map continued to capture the imaginations of other researchers This included notable fraudster Erich von Däniken who parroted Hapgood’s claims that the map is proof of extraterrestrial influence The magic of the Piri Reis map lied in the accuracy of its representation of Antarctica However critics are quick to point out that Antarctica on Reis’s map barely resembles the real continent at all But of some researchers believe it is possible that the Antarctica landmass has altered over time But with all of the map’s errors discovered it soon became clear that the representation of “Antarctica” on the map may not be Antarctica at all In fact a possible answer to many of the Piri Reis map’s mysteries may lie in Reis’s sources Classical Greek cartographers originally proposed the existence of a southern continent due to the belief that landmasses must be ‘balanced’ at either end Therefore one must exist in the southern hemisphere to balance the ones in the northern hemisphere Due to this incorrect belief many sixteenthcentury cartographers included an invented landmass in the southern hemisphere despite having any proof of the existence of one HyBrasil The Other Atlantis of Irish Legend As Reis used at least eight Greek maps and charts to draw up his own map this was one possible solution Alternatively there’s actually one final even simpler theory What many believed to be an icefree depiction of Antarctica is actually nothing more than the South American coastline Some researchers hypothesized that Piri Reis simply ran out of room to draw on the gazelle skin So he crammed as much of South America in as he could Interestingly Reis’ notes backs up this theory In his notes he states thi Despite these findings the mystery of the Piri Reis map continues to baffle and astound researchers to this very day There has been no ‘official’ answer to these questions so it’s up to people to make up their own minds Does the map show an icefree Antarctica from over 6000 years ago? Is it proof that an alien technology once existed on earth? Or did Charles Hapgood let his imagination get the better of him and the map simply shows an imagined southern landmass or the South America coastline? Additional Reference Camino Mercedes Maroto Producing the Pacific Maps and Narratives of Spanish Exploration (15671606) Rodopi 2005.

Ahmed Muhiddin Piri (@ausi_Oz) Twitter

Piri Reis Piri Reis (full name Hacı Ahmed Muhiddin Piri Hadji Ahmed Muhiddin Piri Ahmet ibni elHaç Mehmet El Karamani Reis was a Turkish military rank akin to that of captain) was an Ottoman admiral geographer and cartographer born between 1465 and 1470 and died in 1554 or 1555 He is primarily known today for his maps and charts.

Al Bab The Life And Times Of Piri Re Is

Ahmed Muhiddin Piri (1467 1553) Genealogy

Piri Reis Wikipedia

Piri Reis Muslim HeritageMuslim Heritage

Mysteries Piri Reis Map of 1513 and Antarctica Historic

Ahmed Muhiddin Piri (1465/70 – 1553) better known as Piri Reis (Turkish Pîrî Reis or Hacı Ahmet Muhittin Pîrî Bey) was an Ottoman admiral navigator geographer and cartographer He is primarily known today for his maps and charts collected in his Kitabı Bahriye (Book of Navigation) a book that contains detailed information on navigation as well as very accurate charts (for.