Bandung Treetop Adventure Park. Buat Anda yang pengin melaksanakan berlibur diikuti pekerjaan outbound berikut 15 rujukan tempat outbound terhebat di Bandung 1 Treetop Adventure Park Treetop Adventure Park adalah lokasi outbound yang udah punya 350 cabang yang tersebarkan di pelosok dunia seperti New Zealand Jepang Australia Italia Inggris serta negara yang lain Maka bisa.

Terletak di hutan pinus 1 menit berjalan kaki dari Bandung Treetop Adventure Park resort sederhana ini berjarak 8 km dari Air Terjun Curug Maribaya dan 19 km dari Stasiun Bandung Akomodasi meliputi 31 cottage berpanel kayu yang dilengkapi teras dan kamar mandi pribadi Tenda tersedia untuk berkemah outdoor Fasilitas meliputi area breakfast.
Bandung Treetop Adventure Park (@bandungtreetop
2138 Followers 539 Following 187 Posts See Instagram photos and videos from Bandung Treetop Adventure Park (@bandungtreetop).
Bandung Tree Top Adventure Park Cikole Lembang
Bandung Treetop Adventure Park Image credit Taking Time Off Image credit PHRI Bandung Barat Image credit Outbound Java Lembang Part of the Treetop Adventure Park which originated from the French Alps and now has a network of 350 such parks across the world the Bandung Treetop is a perfect adventurous activity for those looking for an outing that.
Visit Bandung Treetop Adventure Park on your trip to Bandung
Exploring Treetop Adventure Park Before exploring the park visitors should learn the fame of the site first It is said Treetop Adventure Park of Lembang is the part of a global network originated in France In fact there have been more than 350 similar parks scattered worldwide! No wonder both the quality and safety of this outbound arena are quite reassuring This also explains why.
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YouTube Adventure Park Lembang Bandung Treetop
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Bandung Treetop Tiket & Aktivitas [TUTUP PERMANEN
Treetop Adventure Park in Lembang, Indonesia
Bandung Treetop Adventure Park Harga Tiket Rp15000 Rp540000 Jam Buka 0900 WIB 1700 WIB No Telp (022) 82780672 Alamat Jl Raya Tangkuban Parahu No290 Cikole Lembang Bandung Barat Jawa Barat Indonesia 40291 Pada tahun 2006 Treetop Adventure Park mulai melebarkan sayap ke daerah Asia Pasifik di Selandia Baru Australia.