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Blockade definition of blockade by The Free Dictionary
Blockade focuses on those who are often targeted via phishing attacks and may not have a substantial capability at their disposal Using threat intelligence mined from multiple sources (and analysts) Blockade attempts to detect attacks that may exist in the browser by monitoring web traffic requests The primary goal for the project is to.
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Define blockadeblockade synonyms blockade pronunciation blockade translation English dictionary definition of blockade n 1 The isolation of a nation area city or harbor by hostile ships or forces in order to prevent the entrance and exit of traffic and commerce 2.
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BLOCKADE Synonyms: 30 Synonyms & Antonyms for BLOCKADE
blockade [ usually singular] the surrounding of an area by soldiers or ships to stop people or supplies entering or leaving a naval blockade They’ve imposed an economic blockade on the country an agreement to lift the blockade (=end it) 2 something that is used to stop vehicles or people entering or leaving a place Angry farmers used.