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Robert M Taylor in Handbook of Clinical Neurology 2013 Deontology Deontology is a system of ethical analysis most closely associated with Immanuel Kant that bases the correctness of one’s actions on fulfilling the duties of the actor (Alexander and Moore 2008).

Deontology an overview ScienceDirect Topics

In moral philosophy deontological ethics or deontology (from Greek δέον &#39obligation duty&#39 + λόγος &#39study&#39) is the normative ethical theory that the morality of an action should be based on whether that action itself is right or wrong under a series of rules rather than based on the consequences of the action.

deontologie definiție și paradigmă dexonline

Pengertian DeontologiMacam DeontologiCiri DeontologiDampak DeontologiContoh DeontologiDeontologi adalah pendekatan terhadap etika yang senantisa berfokus pada kebenaran serta kesalahan atas tindakan yang dilakukan proses bertentangan dengan kebenaran atau kesalahan ini sendiri dari tindakan tersebut (konsekuensial) atau dengan karakter dan kebiasaan pelaku (etika kebajikan) Jadi dalam hal ini bagi seorang deontolog apakah situasi itu baik atau buruk tergantung pada apakah tindakan yang menyebabkannya benar atau salah Dalam sistem moral ‘Deontologis’ konsekuensi dari suatu tindakan biasanya dianggap tidak relevan dengan penilaian moral (misalnya “tujuan tidak pernah membenarkan cara”) Sebagai cabang dari teori etika normatif Deontologi dapat dibagi menjadi dua jenis utama 1 Teori Deontologi Tindakan Yang termasuk dalam teori deontologi tindakan antara lain adalah sebagai berikut 1 Etika Situasional dan 2 Eksistensialisme 1 Teori Deontologi Peran Yang termasuk di dalam teori deontologi peran diantaranya 1 Teori Imperatif Kategorikal (yaitu moralitas Kantian) dan 2 Perintah Ilahi/Teori Hukum Alam Ciri utama dari teori deontologis adalah bagaimana seseorang harus bertindak didefinisikan secara independen dari kebaikan (moral) Teoriteori deontologis selalu menghasilkan “imperatif kategoris” (yaitu tugastugas yang terlepas dari teori kebaikan apa pun) Di sini penekanan pada tindakan daripada (seperti dalam utilitarianisme) pada hasil Dalam etika ini kita tidak dapat membenarkan tindakan dengan menunjukkan bahwa tindakan itu menghasilkan konsekuensi yang baik itulah sebabnya kadangkadang disebut ‘nonKonsekuensial’ Masalah utama untuk teori deontologis adalah mendefinisikan benar tanpa menarik kebaikan Contoh cara mengatasi masalah ini 1 Benar adalah apa yang diperintahkan Tuhan (Teori Perintah Ilahi) 2 Benar adalah apa yang diperintahkan masyarakat (Relativisme Moral) Etika deontologis (berbasis tugas) menekankan terhadap apa yang dilakukan (tindakan) orang bukan dengan konsekuensi dari tindakan mereka Lakukan hal yang benar Lakukan karena itu hal yang benar Deontologi mengajarkan agar hidup dalam semesta sesuai aturan moral seperti Membunuh orang yang tidak bersalah adalah salah Mencuri itu salah Berbohong itu salah Menepati janji adalah benar Seseorang yang mengikuti etika berbasis kewajiban harus melakukan hal yang benar bahkan jika itu menghasilkan lebih banyak kerugian (atau kurang baik) daripada melakukan hal yang salah Bagaimanapun deontologi tetap memiliki dampak yang baik dan buruk baik kehidupan Adapun dampak baik atau poinpoin yang baik dari etika berbasis kewajiban ini diantarnya yaitu 1 Menekankan nilai setiap manusia 2 Sistem etika berbasis kewajiban cenderung fokus untuk memberikan penghormatan yang sama kepada semua manusia 3 Prinsip ini memberikan dasar untuk hak asasi manusia – itu memaksa dengan pertimbangan diberikan untuk kepentingan satu orang bahkan ketika itu bertentangan dengan kepentingan kelompok yang lebih besar 4 Etika berbasis kewajiban dari Kantian mengatakan bahwa beberapa hal tidak bole Adapun untuk contoh penerapan dalam deontologi antara lain sebagai berikut 1 Demokrasi Pertimbangkan misalnya hak untuk memilih Dalam pengertian demokrasi pemungutan suara dianggap sebagai hak Tetapi bagaimana dengan orang yang tinggal di komunitas terpencil? Membutuhkan uang untuk mendirikan tempat pemungutan suara dan jika kita hanya memikirkan hasil argumen dapat dibuat bahwa suara mereka tidak masalah Tidak ada pemerintah yang terpilih karena segelintir orang di komunitas kecil memilih mereka Jadi mengapa mereka memilih? Akan lebih masuk akal dari sudut pandang hasil hanya untuk memberi tahu mereka “Anda tidak masalah jika tidak memilih” dan menghabiskan waktu & uang untuk sesuatu yang lebih berguna Tapi orang yang menganut etika deontologi tidak melakukannya Mereka menganggap pemungutan suara sebagai definisi HAK dan karenanya setiap sistem pemerintahanmemiliki kewajiban untuk memastikan setiap orang memiliki kesempatan untuk memilih Itulah deontologi yang sedan.

What Is Deontology and Deontological Ethics?

The Motivation of Moral DutyThe Science of DutyExamples of DeontologyTypes of Deontological EthicsConflicting Moral DutiesQuestioning Moral DutiesWhich Morals to Follow?SourcesDeontological moral systems typically stress the reasons why certain actions are performed Simply following the correct moral rules is often not sufficient instead one must have the correct motivations as well A deontologist is not considered immoral even though they have broken a moral rule as long as they were motivated to adhere to some correct moral duty (and presumably made an honest mistake) Nevertheless a correct motivation alone is never a justification for an action in a deontological moral system It cannot be used as a basis for describing an action as morally correct It is also not enough to simply believe that something is the correct duty to follow Duties and obligations must be determined objectively and absolutely not subjectively There is no room in deontological systems of subjective feelings On the contrary most adherents condemn subjectivism and relativism in all their forms In most deontological systems moral principles are absolute In particular that means that moral principles are completely separate from any consequences which following those principles might have Thus if the set of values includes the proviso that it is a sin to lie then lying is always wrong—even if that results in harm to others A deontologist following such strict religious principles would be acting immorally if she or he lied to Nazis about where Jews were hiding Key questions which deontological ethical systems ask include 1 What is the moral duty? 2 What are my moral obligations? 3 How do I weigh one moral duty against another? Deontology is thus a theory of moral obligation and it encompasses moral theories that emphasize a person&#39s rights and duties The term was coined by Jeremy Bentham in 1814 and he believed that deontology was a way to marshall selfinterested reasons for agents to act for the general good but Bentham believed that following a strict moral code of behavior was in fact for the general good of humankind Modern deontologists focus more attention on individual rights and duties In these fairly simpleminded examples decisions that might be made by a hypothetical Deontologist are compared to those of a hypothetical Consequentialist 1 A group of terrorists is holding two hostages and threatening to kill them both unless you kill a third person The Consequentialist would kill the third person because by doing so you minimize the outcome (fewer dead people) The Deontologist would not kill the third person because it is never right that you should kill anyone regardless of the outc Some examples of deontological ethical theories are 1 Divine Command—The most common forms of deontological moral theories are those which derive their set of moral obligations from a god According to many Christians for example an action is morally correct whenever it is in agreement with the rules and duties established by theChristian God 2 Duty Theories—An action is morally right if it is in accord with a given list of duties and obligations 3 Rights Theories—An action is morally right if it adequately respects the rights of all humans (or at least all members of a given society) This is also sometimes referred to as Libertarianism in that people should be legally free to do whatever they wish so long as their actions do not encroach upon the rights of others 4 Contractarianism—An action is morally right if it is in accordance with the rules that rational moral agents would agree to observe upon entering into a social relationship (contract) for mutual benefit This A common criticism of deontological moral systems is that they provide no clear way to resolve conflicts between moral duties A purely deontological moral system cannot include both a moral duty not to lie and one to keep others from harm In the situation involving Nazis and Jews how is a person to choose between those two moral duties? One response to that might be to simply choose the “lesser of two evils” However that means relying on knowing which of the two has the least evil consequences Therefore the moral choice is being made on a consequentialist rather than a deontologicalbasis According to this argument duties and obligations set forth in deontological systems are actually those actions which have been demonstrated over long periods of time to have the best consequences Eventually they become enshrined in custom and law People stop giving them or their consequences much thought—they are simply assumed to be correct Deontological ethics are thus ethics where A second criticism is that deontological moral systems do not readily allow for gray areas where the morality of an action is questionable They are rather systems which are based upon absolutes—absolute principles and absolute conclusions In real life however moral questions often involve gray areas rather than absolute black and white choices We typically have conflicting duties interests and issues that make things difficult A third common criticism is the question of just which duties qualify as those which we should follow regardless of the consequences Duties which might have been valid in the 18th century are not necessarily valid now Yet who is to say which ones should be abandoned and which are still valid? And if any are to be abandoned how can we say that they really were moral duties back in the 18th century? Brook Richard “Deontology Paradox and Moral Evil” Social Theory and Practice333 (2007) 43140 PrintDougherty Tom “AgentNeutral Deontology” Philosophical Studies1632 (2013) 52737 PrintStelzig Tim “Deontology Governmental Action and the Distributive Exemption How the Trolley Problem Shapes the Relationship between Rights and Policy” University of Pennsylvania Law Review 146 Occupation Atheism Expert.

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Deontology Ethics Unwrapped

Dampak, dan Contohnya √ 9 Pengertian Deontologi, Macam, Ciri,

Deontology Wikipedia

Deontology is an ethical theory that uses rules to distinguish right from wrong Deontology is often associated with philosopher Immanuel Kant Kant believed that ethical actions follow universal moral laws such as “Don’t lie Don’t steal Don’t cheat” Deontology is simple to apply It just requires that people follow the rules and do their duty This [].