Etel. ETEL is a member of the HEIDENHAIN family of brands Learn about ETEL's offtheshelf integrated motion systems here.

Etel Carmona heads her own furnituremaking company Etel Marcenaria which sets an important standard in the design and manufacture of furniture in Brazil.
eTEL Technologies ICT Services & Solutions, Reporting, Analytics
The Design Collection comprises one century of Brazilian furniture With its pioneering reedition work ETEL brings back graceful designs of the modern .
Etel Carmona ESPASSO
(EN/PT) Spoilers from Women & Design exhibition at ETEL Milano during INTERNI Designer'sWeek until October 10th Details featuring Callas bench designed by .
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Etel a leading name in interior design is on The Invisible Collection with a curated selection of bespoke pieces.
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Etel Design ETEL é considerada a marca de maior expressão em móveis de luxo do Brasil Reconhecida no País e no mundo tem raízes firmes e bem espalhadas .