Gravity Abjad. This gravity prevents us from falling off our planet See Figure 1 The size (amount of matter) and density of the planet determines how strong this attraction or gravity is If we look at the Moon which is quite a bit smaller than our Earth we would expect a lower gravitation as there is less matter in that planet Indeed this is the case The gravity on the Moon is about six times.

The gravity of Earth denoted by g is the net acceleration that is imparted to objects due to the combined effect of gravitation (from mass distribution within Earth) and the centrifugal force (from the Earth’s rotation) It is a vector (physics) quantity whose direction coincides with a plumb bob and strength or magnitude is given by the norm = ‖ ‖ In SI units this acceleration is.
Gravity In Quran.
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Equivalence Principle In Quran.
The Quran used the term “weighs ثَقُلَتْ ” which means by gravity But from General Relativity we know that gravity is curvature of spacetime We also know that wormholes are equivalent to folding spacetime like a book Quran 21104.
G Wiktionary
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Cosmology In Quran.
GFRGHA is decrypted DCODEX Another way to decrypt more mathematical note A=0 B=1 Z=25 subtracts a constant (the shift) then the result modulo 26 (alphabet length) is the plain text Example Take G=6 subtract the shift 63=3 and 3=D so G is decrypted with D Take A=0 03=3 and 3 mod 26 = 23 23=X so A is decrypted with X etc.