Hero Dota Ursa. Ursa is SemiCarry so it depended on its item When on war try to Blink with dagger / windwalk with lothar to enemy’s disabler first It will more easy if you have BkB Late game’s Strategy It will be hard for you if your enemy have guinsoo in their hands It.

Ursa is a noob hero at low MMR because people don’t like itemizing reactively So if opponents don’t want to buy Ghost Scepters and Force Staff then the hero seems noobish because it does an absurd amount of damage with little or no skill requirement But at high MMR the hero is actually really difficult to use.
Ursa Melee, Carry, Disabler, Durable, Jungler DOTABUFF
Ursa is one of the most sensitive heroes when it comes down to timing Failing to get the right items on time can have devastating consequences because the hero won’t be able to snowball As mentioned above it usually can’t outfarm the opposing team’s core heroes which means that t won’t do much.
These are the best heroes to dominate Aghanim's Labyrinth
Ursa struggles against illusion heroes like Chaos Knight and Phantom Lancer Ursa struggles against heroes with strong (and especially undispellable) disables ( Disruptor Puck Shadow Demon Outworld Destroyer and etc).
Ursa Wallpapers Page 3 DOTA 2 Game Wallpapers Gallery
Win Rate Talent Tree +3 Overpower Attacks 25 +500 AoE Earthshock +12 Fury Swipes Damage 20 +10% Enrage Status Resistance +350 Health.
Hd Wallpaper Defense Of The Ancient Dota Dota 2 Heroes Roshan Ursa Wallpaper Flare
Ursa (DotA) Dota Wiki Fandom
Ursa skins — Dota 2 Wiki by CS.MONEY
Ursa Build Guide DOTA 2: Iniator Ursa dotafire.com
Liquid Dota [Hero] Ursa
Dota 2 Esports Ursa Hero Analysis Coverage TrackDota
Hero Dota 2 Ursa, Test Hero Ursa Dota 2, Radiant YouTube
Ursa Guides DOTABUFF Dota 2 Stats
Ursa (DotA 2) Dota Wiki Fandom
Ursa Dota 2 Wiki
Detail information about the hero Ursa his characteristics abilities and equipment on Dota 2 Wiki Inspection of skins for the character You can buy skins for Ursa on the site CSMONEY.