Meranti Merantian. TaksonomiCiri MerantiKayu MerantiJenis MerantiMeranti Terancam PunahBerikut adalah klasifikasi taksonomi tumbuhan meranti Secara taksonomi pohon dalam suku meranti memiliki kayu keras berat dan sebagian jenisnya tumbuh sangat perlahan Kecambah merantimerantian cenderung menyukai naungan Kelompok pohon dalam anggota Dipterocarpaceaemempunyai ciri yaitu adanya saluran resin pada empulur kayu dan kulit batang Sedangkan saluran musilase dapat ditemukan pada korteks dan empulur yang mengandung tanin Pohon meranti memiliki daun tunggal duduk berseling seringkali 2 deret tepi daun rata dan pertulangan menyirip Bunga meranti merupakan bungan biseksual dengan simetri radial dan tidak ada epikaliks Daun mahkota meranti berjumlah 5 dan isi buah meranti hanya berisi 1 biji tanpa endosperm Tumbuhan meranti menghasilkan keunikan lain yaitu buah bersayap dua Karena bentuknya yang memiliki dua sayap maka jika tertiup angin akan melayang dan berputar seperti balingbaling sebelum jatuh ke lantai hutan Tanaman golongan merantimerantian menghasilkan kayu yang berkualitas sangat baik keras dan ringan Seperti pada kayu dari pohon merawan (Hopea odorata Roxb) yang memiliki potensi untuk dibudidayakan Kayu merawan seringkali dimanfaatkan untuk kontruksi bangunan mebel vinir dan manfaat lainnya Karena kekuatannya kayu merawan juga dimanfaatkan untuk bantalan kereta api Pohon merawan juga dapat dijadikan tanaman hias dan penaung yang baik Berikut ini adalah manfaat yang dapat diperoleh dari kayu meranti antara lain Dalam dunia perdagangan kayu dikenal 3 jenis utama meranti yaitu meranti kuning meranti merah dan meranti putih Potensi manfaat yang dimiliki meranti membuatnya banyak diburu Ancaman lingkungan berupa illegal logging dan kebakaran hutan menjadikan beberapa spesies suku ini masuk dalam daftar International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Redlist Contohnya adalah tumbuhan kapur bernama latin Dryobalanops camphora Colebr yang masuk dalam IUCN Redlist dengan status konservasi Critically Endangered atau kritis Status ini adalah kondisi keterancaman paling tinggi sebelum dinyatakan punah Padahal pohon ini memiliki keunggulan dari satu batang pohonnya dapat menghasilkan beragam komoditi bernilai ekonomi tinggi seperti kapur barus (kamfer) balsam damar minyak atsiri dan kayu Pemicu ancaman kepunahanterjadi dikarenakan tingginya harga dan permintaan kamper yang terus meningkat Selain itu kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai tidak selalu ditemukannya pada batang pohon kapur juga menjadi pemicu kegiatan penebangan liar Selain itu secara alami pohon m 4/5 (21)Kelas MagnoliopsidaDivisi MagnoliophytaKerajaan Plantae.

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Dark Red Meranti is used for cladding joinery interior and exterior flooring furniture cabinet work general construction boatbuilding and much more Thicknesses 26mm 32mm 38mm 51mm 63mm and 76mm Widths 4″ 12″ mainly 6″ 8″ lengths 7&#39 18&#39 average approx 12&#39 How strong and durable is this timber?.

What is Meranti Wood and What is it Used For?

Unique TraitsEasy to Work withIt Doesn’T Warp EasilyPotential DrawbacksThere are a lot of things about meranti wood that make it unique For starters it looks much different after it has been harvested and allowed to age in sunlight than it looks when it is first harvested To a certain degree this can be true for a lot of different kinds of wood However it is far more prevalentwith this particular type of wood than it is with most others Typically it starts out being a very pale color almost bland in its appearance When it is first harvested it may be a very pale yellow or even a gray color However the more that it is allowed to age in harsh sunlight the more it turns a deep red color Meranti wood that has been aged in sunlight for a significant amount of time almost looks like it has been stained with a red stain It is one of the things that makes this particular type of wood so appealing to many individuals In addition it is considered to be a hard wood but not so much so that it is impossible to work with In fact it falls almost Carpenters that are doing specialized projects have a tendency to love meranti wood largely because it is known for being incredibly easy to work with Typically produced in long straight pieces it can easily be cut turned and machined without doing damage to equipment or forcing carpenters to spend hours on end in the shop trying to get it just right That is due in large part to the fact that it is not quite as hard as oak In short it’s a lot easier to work with than a so it’s more appealing to most contractors who need to do specialized work when it comes to their woodworking projects The fact that it is typically shipped without a lot of faults in the wood also make it more appealing as more of the wood can be used for the project as opposed to needing to filter out a lot of bad spots before work on the project itself can even begin Most people who routinely work with wood will tell you that one of the most frustrating things is being forced to deal with types of wood that warps easily or obtain mites After all it’s virtually impossible to build furniture or do any other type of carpentry project with wood that is so warped that it can scarcely even be used Unfortunately some types of wood have a tendency to do exactly that Fortunately that is not the case with meranti wood In fact it is known for remaining straight even under conditions that would cause most other types of wood to warp significantly It’s also known for having a nice straight grain in the wood making it a good option for furniture building That said it does need a rather significant amount of preparation after a project has been built using meranti wood It is virtually impossible to use it successfully without preparing the surface by carefully sanding it and then finishing it with either paint or varnish As previously mentioned meranti wood is typically used for woodworking projects such as Furniture building Typically it works well However this is not a wood that stands up to the test of time unless it has been properly finished In fact unfinished meranti wood has a tendency to decay rather rapidly far more rapidly than many other types of wood As a result it virtually always has to be varnished or finished with a couple of coats of paint as previously mentioned That’s fine for most individuals but there are those rare few people who want natural wood that isn’t varnished incorporated into their homes Meranti wood is not a good option for these types of projects as it simply will not stand up to the test of time In addition it is not the least bit resistant to any type of insects Therefore it is not ideal to use this type of wood in a climate where there are a lot of insects such as wood ants or termites If meranti wood is used in these types of climates it is.

Wood Species Database: Meranti, dark red TRADA

Uses As Meranti is categorised as a hardwood it is suitable for both exterior and interior joinery The nature of the Meranti timber means it is commonly used in shopfitting boatbuilding flooring and doors For exterior use such as cladding the wood should first be treated It has many of the same uses as light red meranti plywood for which it can be rotary cut or sliced for decorative.

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Pohon Meranti Jenis & Ancaman Kepunahan Taksonomi, Ciri, Kayu,

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The various types of meranti/seraya are reported to dry rapidly and well with little degrade Some slight distortion and surface checking may occur in the denser types &#39Malayan Forest Service Trade Leaflet No 8&#39 gives the following information regarding the air drying times for red meranti dried under cover in Malaysia From about 60 per cent moisture content to 18 per cent moisture content SuppliersAz ZaDM D Capricorn Eco Timber DD.