Pulau Sari Ringgung. Kendaraan yang melintas di Jl RE Martadinata mengarah desitinasi wisata bahari di Kabupaten Pesawaran seperti Pantai Mutun Pantai Sari Ringgung Pantai Klara Pulau Tangkil Pulau Mas Pulau Pahawang masih menjadi favorit wisatawan lokal dari luar Lampung Selain itu pengunjung juga ramai mendatangi lokasi wisata di Pantai Sebalang Kabupaten Lampung.

Pantai Sari Ringgung Pulau Tegal Ticmpu pulau sari ringgung
Pantai Sari Ringgung Pulau Tegal Ticmpu from ticmpu.id

Lampung is a province of IndonesiaIt is located on the southern tip of the island of SumatraIt has a short border with the province of Bengkulu to the northwest and a longer border with the province of South Sumatra to the north It is the original home of the Lampung people who speak their own language and possess their own written scriptIts capital is Bandar Lampung.

Destinasi Wisata di Lampung Ramai Pengunjung Republika


Pantai Sari Ringgung Pulau Tegal Ticmpu

Lampung Wikipedia
