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students of SMK N 3 Pati This research method was a classroom action research which is a classroom action research in collaboration with a research design model of Kemmis and Mc Taggart the research carried out in accordance with the procedure as follows 1) planning 2) action 3) observation 4) reflection The research was conducted at.
SMK Negeri 3 Pati
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Dalam upaya membantu masyarakat SMK Negeri 3Pati menyalurkan paket bantuan sembako ke masyarakat yang terdampak pandemi COVID19 Bantuan diberikan untuk meringankan beban masyarakat akibat penyebaran virus Corona19 sehingga berdampak terhadap lemahnya daya beli sebagian masyarakat SMK Negeri 3 Pati PROFIL SMK Negeri 3 Pati merupakan salah.