Surat An Nur 19. Surat AlBaqarah [verses 284286] To Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth Whether you show what is within yourselves or conceal it Allah will bring you to account for it Then He will forgive whom He wills and punish whom He wills and Allah is over all things competent.

AlQur’an Surat Al’Alaq Surat Al ‘Alaq terdiri atas 19 ayat termasuk golongan suratsurat Makkiyah Ayat 1 sampai dengan 5 dari surat ini adalah ayatayat Al Quran yang pertama sekali diturunkan yaitu di waktu Nabi Muhammad saw berkhalwat.
AlQur'an Surat Al'Alaq (Terjemahan Indonesia
As stated earlier these five verses of this Surah represent the very beginning of the revelation of the Qur’an Verses [ 619] of the Surah are of much later date We assert this on the following grounds These verses were revealed in connection with an incident in which Abu Jahl prevented the Holy Prophet from offering salah In the initial stages of revelation and Prophet.
Nur Calligraphy Stock Illustrations 86 Nur Calligraphy Stock Illustrations Vectors Clipart Dreamstime
Surah AnNisa 34
Surah Iqra, Surah Al Iqra, Surah Alaq, Surah Al Iqra
The Noble Surat AlBaqarah [2:284286] Qur’an القرآن
AnNur النور The Light 25 AlFurqan Verse 19 20 Verse 20 21 Verse 21 22 Verse 22 23 Verse 23 24 Verse 24 25 Verse 25 26 Verse 26 27 Verse 27 28 Verse 28 29 Verse 29 30 Verse 30 31 Verse 31 32 Verse 32 33 Verse 33.