Uta Von Naumburg. Uta was among the donators of Naumburg Cathedral therefore a painted statue was erected in her honour in the 13th century Similar to the Bamberg Horseman the individual depiction part of a semicircle of twelve donor portraits is today generally considered a masterpiece of Gothic artFrom the early 20th century onwards the idealised picture of Uta with the distinctive collar.
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Uta von Ballenstedt besser bekannt als Uta von Naumburg ist eine unter vielen Eintragungen Sie lebte zwischen 1000 und 1046 war mit Ekkehard von Meißen verheiratet und starb kinderlos Eine.
Herzlich Willkommen UtaTreffen in Naumburg
Actually her name was Uta von Ballenstedt She was born around 1000 in what is now the Harz region of Germany and died in 1046 After marrying Count Ekkehard II of Meissen she lived in the castle of Naumburg on the Saale River The couple had no successors and left all their wealth to the church to help with the construction of a chapel.
3D Printable Uta von Ballenstedt by Scan The World
The cult of Uta von Naumburg remained unbroken One of her greatest admirers of the recent past was the writer Umberto Eco In his “History of Beauty” he gave Uta priority over all other female figures in European art history Details Title Founder figures in the Naumburg Cathedral Uta von Naumburg Creator Naumburg Master Date Created between 1245 and 1250.
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Uta de Naumburgo Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Uta von Naumburg. Naumburger Dom Worlds of Art
Ute de Naumbourg — Wikipédia
Uta Von Naumburg
Uta von Naumburg Wikiwand
Founder figures in the Naumburg Cathedral, Uta von
Uta von Ballenstedt – Wikipedia
Uta von Naumburg Naumburg Cathedral UNESCO World
Visit Naumburg Cathedral to See Uta and Top Medieval Art
Uta von Ballenstedt Wikipedia
Naumburg donor figures zxc.wiki
Uta von Ballenstedt, Markgräfin von Meißen (c.1015 1046
Uta of Naumburg. Naumburg Cathedral Worlds of Art
La estatua conocida como Uta de Naumburgo (Uta von Naumburg en alemán) es una de las obras escultóricas más significativas del gótico alemánRepresenta a la margravina de Misnia Uta de Ballenstedt (10001046) La figura en piedra policromada fue realizada a mediados del siglo XIII por el llamado «Maestro de Naumburgo» Se encuentra en el ábside occidental de la.