Valid Host Address. The valid hosts are the numbers in between the network address and the broadcast address 10001 through 10255255254 Class B The Class B.

You have a network with a subnet of 17216170/22 Which is the valid host address?.
How do I find valid host addresses with a subnet mask
Given the associated prefix value which of the following is a valid host address? Question Which of the following is a valid host address? Options 17216224255/18 255255255255/32 224121/8 1921682459/30 Correct Answer The Correct Answer for this Question is 17216224255/18.
Getting to know your IP addresses TechRepublic
For the subnet 1722540 the valid host range will start at 1722541 and end at 172255254 To determine the valid range of addresses in a subnet one must determine the subnet number or network ID and the broadcast address of the subnet and all valid addresses will lie within those boundaries In this case Network address 1722500.
You have a network with a subnet of Which
For the subnet 1722540 the valid host range will start at 1722541 and end at 172255254 To determine the valid range of addresses in a subnet one must determine the subnet number or network ID and the broadcast address of the subnet and all valid addresses will lie within those boundaries In this case Network address 1722500.
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What is the valid host address range for the subnet 172.25
The network address would be 17216800 (17216801 is the first usable host) and the last address is 172168255255 which is the broadcast The last usable host would be 1 less than the broadcast therefore 172168255254 So yes 0 and 255 in a octet can be valid host addresses Expand Post All Answers dguse.